Reading and Reiki CombinationsEnjoy the relaxation of having a Reading and Reiki Session.
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Intuitive Readings
In these sessions I tune into you psychically and pick up things from your past, present and look at potential future possibilities. We can also look at any decisions you need to make and see what the possibilities and potentials are around them. These sessions can include questions on love, home, career, purpose or relationships.
It is my intention that the reading session will bring you clarity on your decisions and your direction to move forward.
I do see Clairvoyantly, although my readings are not prediction based. They are about what your Soul wants you to know around your situations and decisions.
I prefer to work on a Soul level getting to your need, what you desire from your session is important, the greater the need the more you’ll receive from your session. If you are just coming out of curiosity or just to see ‘What comes up’ or if you are looking for future predictions I may not be the reader for you. I pick up on your possibilities and potentials moving forward, but it is not for me to tell you what ‘will happen’ That is for you to decide!
Reiki/Energy Healing/Spiritual Healing ~ Reiki Level 3 Master/Teacher
Reiki is energy healing, this is done by placing the hands in a series of positions slightly above or lightly on the body (you will be fully clothed during your treatment, no massage is involved) Reiki promotes healing by activating the relaxation response and helping the body to balance itself from a very deep level.
There are so many more layers to us than just the physical.
Energy can be shifted and changed where needed using Reiki, Crystals, Colour, Symbols and the Spirit World....Yes the Spirit World! What comes up you are ready to release!
Energy sessions can be more relaxing and healing than massage and people usually feel more rested and relaxed as it works on every level - Spiritual, Physical, Emotional and Mental
Feel the transition, the renewal the relaxation.....